
Our blog

What We Do
Enriching the lives of people with disabilities
By Conquest Art on 22nd July 2016
Conquest Art works to inspire people living with disability or long term health issues to discover their creative energy and build self-confidence through art.... Read more »
Art Groups
Where disability meets creativity
By Conquest Art on 22nd July 2016
Working at their own pace in supportive groups, our members find both relaxation and fresh stimulus, along with the opportunity to make new friends.... Read more »
Art is therapy
By Conquest Art on 22nd July 2016
Hundreds of people have benefitted from the work of Conquest Art over the years, but without volunteers the Charity would not exist.... Read more »
Support Conquest Art
Overcome adversity through art
By wesley on 17th June 2016
Your support would ensure that Conquest Art can continue to make a difference to people’s lives.... Read more »
Contact Conquest Art
Enabling people to express their imagination
By wesley on 17th April 2016
We believe that there is a need for our work in the community and therefore we are committed to a programme of development and growth. Would you join us?... Read more »
Everyone has a creative spark within them
By wesley on 20th February 2016
We are proud to show our members’ talent and achievements in our Gallery which are available to purchase.... Read more »

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Our magazine/newsletter provides all the latest news from our groups, showcases our members’ artwork and gives information of upcoming events.
Read the latest issue here.

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