
Our blog

Formby Visit the Terracotta Warriors
By Conquest Art on 30th September 2018
No disability or wheelchairs stopped our Formby group having a great day out at the Liverpool World Museum looking at the display of China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors...... Read more »
Our Annual Art Exhibition 2018!
By Conquest Art on 24th September 2018
We are so looking forward to our Annual Exhibition this year in October. We opened three new groups last year and hoping to see our new members' artwork on display. It will be a good opportunity for you to vote for your favourite painting, if you are able to choose just one... Read more »
Seeking Volunteers for New Guildford Art Group
By Conquest Art on 10th September 2018
Would you like to be part of our new Guildford art team? A good volunteer team is made up of a variety of different people from someone who has some art experience bringing new ideas, to someone who makes a good cup of tea. ... Read more »
New Group in Woking!
By Conquest Art on 7th September 2018
Conquest Art is going to be in Woking at the United Reformed Church, starting on Tuesday, 2nd October! Another group that will enrich the lives of people with disabilities and long-term health problems... Read more »
Dorking Group Re-Opened!
By Conquest Art on 6th September 2018
After many months of recruiting we have a new team of volunteers that re-opened our Dorking group. If you or someone you know has a disability or long-term health issue, go along for a visit and see where disability meets creativity... Read more »
Double Celebrations in Ashtead
By Conquest Art on 3rd September 2018
Our Ashtead group had double celebrations in July! Conquest Art's 40th Anniversary and the group's 1st Anniversary. It has been over a year since the group started and it is growing from strength to strength and increasing in talent... Read more »

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