
Our blog

Conquest in Cobham!
By Conquest Art on 23rd January 2018
Conquest Art is in Cobham! You do not need to be artist to come and join the fun. No experience is necessary at our art groups. Give us a try and see what sparks your imagination! ... Read more »
Volunteers Needed for our Epsom Group
By Conquest Art on 8th January 2018
As a volunteer you will be part of a team. A good team will include a variety of skills from organising, handling money to making tea. Volunteers are the people who make Conquest Art possible. Could you join the Epsom team?... Read more »
Ashtead Group – Six Months On
By Conquest Art on 4th January 2018
The Ashtead group has been opened for six months today! It has been growing from strength to strength and creativity and imagination are flowing. ... Read more »

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