
Our blog

Voted the Favourite Painting
By Conquest Art on 31st October 2019
Visitors voted for their favourite painting at our Annual Exhibition this year and after counting over 300 votes we have a winner...... Read more »
Showcasing our Members’ Achievements
By Conquest Art on 30th October 2019
Another great display at our Annual Exhibition held in October at Bourne Hall. It was a great two weeks from voting for your favourite painting, to seeing our members' talent and the Epsom and Ewell Mayor attending... Read more »
Reigate Park Open Morning
By Conquest Art on 23rd October 2019
Our Reigate Park group is holding their open morning on Wednesday, 6th November. Come and join us for a cup of tea and view our talented members' paintings... Read more »
Woking Open Afternoon
By Conquest Art on 7th October 2019
Our Woking group is opening their doors for anyone who would like to find out more about the Charity, view our talented members' paintings and have a cup of tea. The open day will be held on Tuesday, 22nd October from 2-4pm... Read more »
Our Annual Exhibition 2019
By Conquest Art on 3rd October 2019
In October, we have our Annual Exhibition and all the paintings will be framed this year. We are looking forward to seeing our talented members' artwork on display and voting for a favourite painting if we can choose just one... Read more »

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