
Our blog

‘Energy’ Artwork Winners
By Conquest Art on 3rd July 2023
Our members have let their creative juices flow and produced some wonderful 'Energy' entries. Here are the winners... Read more »
Gibson Award Winner 2023!
By Conquest Art on 28th June 2023
Our Gibson Award winner is Ewell member, Debbie Deal! Well deserved award for a member who is overcoming adversity through art... Read more »
Gibson Award Winner 2022!
By Conquest Art on 6th September 2022
Our Gibson Award winner is Woking member, Duncan Siggers! Well deserved award for a very talented member... Read more »
Sunny Autumn Winners!
By Conquest Art on 27th January 2021
After waiting some time, we have counted up the votes and have the winners for the Sunny Autumn Awards... Read more »
Vote Online for Awards!
By Conquest Art on 6th December 2020
Vote for your favourite painting online under the Sunny Autumn Heading Tab.... Read more »
Award for Inspirational Member
By Conquest Art on 21st May 2019
Group member, Caroline Beddows was selected for the Gibson Award this year. She has been described as 'inspirational' and this is her journey with the Bridport group... Read more »
Here are the Rainbow Winners!
By Conquest Art on 23rd April 2019
At our Annual Meeting we had the most amazing and colourful exhibition of Rainbow paintings from our talent group members. The judges had a hard choice to select the winners and here they are!... Read more »
And The Winners Are…
By Conquest Art on 30th October 2018
After nearly 300 votes, two of our members' paintings have been awarded the most popular by the public at our Annual Exhibition held at Bourne Hall in October. It is not surprising as we have some many talented members. Who are the two winners?... Read more »
Formby Volunteer Awarded
By Conquest Art on 5th July 2018
A long standing Formby volunteer has been awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for his dedication to the group for over 20 years! Brendan has served as a Treasurer and fundraiser for many years... Read more »
A Member Worthy of the Award…
By Conquest Art on 30th April 2018
Three nominations were received for the Gibson Award. The winner is Sai Krishna from the Epsom group and when you see his finished pieces you will know why he is worth of this award!... Read more »
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