
Our blog

Silk Scarf Painting at Ashtead
By Conquest Art on 23rd July 2018
The Ashtead members decided to try their hands at silk painting in preparation for our Annual Exhibition in October. There will be beautiful scarves for sale at the exhibition from the results... Read more »
Up for the Challenge
By Conquest Art on 18th July 2018
Our Bridport members have been trying something new in the past few months - working with ceramics. The members were inspired by a local artist to give it a go and the results are amazing... Read more »
Russian Dolls Commission
By Conquest Art on 11th July 2018
Ashtead group member, Anthony took on the challenge to paint Russian Dolls as per an enquiry. Anthony said he really enjoyed doing this and the result was very good... Read more »
Formby Volunteer Awarded
By Conquest Art on 5th July 2018
A long standing Formby volunteer has been awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for his dedication to the group for over 20 years! Brendan has served as a Treasurer and fundraiser for many years... Read more »

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