
Our blog

A Member Worthy of the Award…
By Conquest Art on 30th April 2018
Three nominations were received for the Gibson Award. The winner is Sai Krishna from the Epsom group and when you see his finished pieces you will know why he is worth of this award!... Read more »
Here are the Winners!
By Conquest Art on 16th April 2018
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes were awarded for the Lady Shepperd Awards at our Annual Meeting. Did you guess which one would be the winner? It was a tough choice judging the amazing paintings on display.... Read more »
Chris Grayling’s Visit to Cheam
By Conquest Art on 11th April 2018
MP Chris Grayling took some time out of his busy schedule to visit our Cheam group on Thursday, 5th April. It was an excellent opportunity to show Mr Grayling our talented members in action and he was extremely impressed!... Read more »

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