
Our blog

A Legacy that keeps on giving!
By Conquest Art on 27th February 2018
Jill French was a great supporter of Conquest Art for many years and inspired so many people during that time. Her dedication, inspiration and loyalty to the Charity extends way beyond her passing...... Read more »
Stoneleigh Open Day
By Conquest Art on 22nd February 2018
Our Stoneleigh group is opening their doors for anyone who would like to find out more about the Charity, view our talented members' paintings and have a cup of tea. The open day will be held on Monday, 19th March from 2-4pm... Read more »
The Lady Shepperd Awards
By Conquest Art on 12th February 2018
The Lady Shepperd Awards theme this year is 'Celebrations!' The theme was chosen as it is our 40th Anniversary! We can't wait to see what our talented artists create this year. Watch this space!... Read more »
Seeking Volunteers for New Woking Group
By Conquest Art on 5th February 2018
We are pleased to announce that we are opening up a new group in Woking! All we need to start off with is a team of volunteers who are motivated and dedicated to open the group and enrich the lives of people with disabilities in Woking.... Read more »
Induction Day for New Volunteers
By Conquest Art on 2nd February 2018
We will be holding an Induction Day for potential and new volunteers on Friday, 16th March 2018. The day will be an opportunity to formally welcome all our new volunteers and explain in detail each role within the team. It is also a great to network with other volunteers within the Charity.... Read more »

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Our magazine/newsletter provides all the latest news from our groups, showcases our members’ artwork and gives information of upcoming events.
Read the latest issue here.

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