Annual Meeting and Special General Meeting
The Mayor of Epsom and Ewell, Councillor George Crawford, and the Mayoress, Mrs Jackie Hennings, attended this year’s Annual Meeting of Conquest Art held on 30th March 2017.
The Mayor expressed his delight, as a Ward Councillor for Cuddington, that this meeting was being held at St Mary’s Cuddington, the home of the newest Conquest Art group, with a thriving membership of eleven. He commended all the artists who had contributed to the Exhibition on their creativity and high standards of work and also thanked all the volunteers, whether Trustees, group leaders or helpers, as he appreciated how much was involved these days in taking on such roles.
The Annual Meeting was followed by a Special General Meeting, at which members had an opportunity to vote on a number of resolutions relating to the Charity’s constitution. It was agreed by an overwhelming majority, that Conquest Art should become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). One of the advantages of incorporation is that the Trustees are no longer personally liable for any debts the Charity may incur. Conversion to a CIO also clarifies the terms used, the procedures for holding elections and meetings, as well as being in line with current requirements of the Charity Commission.
Under this new constitution, the following will now serve as Trustees for a period of three years:
John Gumbel (Chair), Brian Tanner (Treasurer), Anne Bland Botham (Charity Secretary), Charlotte Atkinson, John Burns, Rosemary Foote, Bob Jones and Lesley Lee.
In the photo left to right: John Gumbel (Chair), Lady Shepperd (Patron), Councillor George Crawford and Jackie Hennings.