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Ashtead’s Christmas Party
By Conquest Art on 6th January 2020

Our Ashtead group had their Christmas party on the 10th December 2019, it was a great success, enjoyed by all the members.

We started the afternoon by sketching each other, with some very funny results in some cases.

The members with visual impairments made figures and decorations using colourful pipe cleaners.

One of our members made a lovely Christmas cake to share with us all to go with our afternoon tea of Christmas goodies and a cheeseboard.

Each member received a small art related present.  It was a very happy and joyful occasion enjoyed by members and volunteers alike.

Above:  Tired but happy volunteers (Barbara, Christine, Susanne, Sue, Jean, Paddy)

Looking forward to this new year ahead.

Susanne Meyers – Ashtead volunteer

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