Bridport Volunteers Needed
Your few hours a month could make a real difference to people’s lives.
We are seeking volunteer helpers willing to support our Bridport art group.
The group is held every alternate Monday from 11:00am to 12:30pm at Bridport Christian Fellowship.
Dates for this term are: 3rd and 24th February, 9th and 23rd March 2020.
To give you a bit of background on our groups – it is an informal space where members are encouraged to create artwork from their imagination, to develop their own style and work at their own pace. We do not teach at our groups but help inspire and encourage them in whatever they would like to paint or draw. The group gives the members an opportunity to find their creative spark and ‘forget’ their disability or long-term health issue for a couple of hours. There is no right or wrong at our groups, so the members have the freedom to create whatever they feel they like to do. We sometimes try to encourage them to try new things but this is not forced as we want our members to feel comfortable and enjoy their time with us.
Not every volunteer needs artistic ability, but you do need to a ‘people person’. All our art groups need a team of volunteers which have a variety of different gifts from organisational skills, artistic experience to someone dealing with the money or making the tea. But most of all we need your enthusiasm to help create a friendly welcoming environment where members feel relaxed and able to make the most of their time with us.
Volunteers are the people who make Conquest Art possible.
Could you join the team?
Please contact us for more information and we can arrange for you to visit the group to see what the role involves and to meet other volunteers and the members.