
Our blog

Keep Calm It’s Our Induction Day!
By Conquest Art on 25th February 2019
If you are a new volunteer or interested in finding out more what we do and how you can get involved, we are holding an Induction Day on Friday, 1st March 2019. Please join us... Read more »
Will You Join our Bridport Team?
By Conquest Art on 30th January 2019
We are in need of a few more helpers to join our Bridport volunteer team. If you have a few spare hours a month and would like to give back to the community... Read more »
Seeking Volunteers for New Guildford Art Group
By Conquest Art on 10th September 2018
Would you like to be part of our new Guildford art team? A good volunteer team is made up of a variety of different people from someone who has some art experience bringing new ideas, to someone who makes a good cup of tea. ... Read more »
Volunteers Needed to Re-Open our Dorking Group
By Conquest Art on 11th June 2018
Do you have some spare time on Thursday afternoons and would like to give back to the Dorking Community? If the answer is yes, would you like to join the Conquest Art Dorking team? If you are interested... Read more »
Seeking Volunteers for New Woking Group
By Conquest Art on 5th February 2018
We are pleased to announce that we are opening up a new group in Woking! All we need to start off with is a team of volunteers who are motivated and dedicated to open the group and enrich the lives of people with disabilities in Woking.... Read more »
Induction Day for New Volunteers
By Conquest Art on 2nd February 2018
We will be holding an Induction Day for potential and new volunteers on Friday, 16th March 2018. The day will be an opportunity to formally welcome all our new volunteers and explain in detail each role within the team. It is also a great to network with other volunteers within the Charity.... Read more »
Volunteers Needed for our Epsom Group
By Conquest Art on 8th January 2018
As a volunteer you will be part of a team. A good team will include a variety of skills from organising, handling money to making tea. Volunteers are the people who make Conquest Art possible. Could you join the Epsom team?... Read more »
Seeking Volunteers for New Cobham Art Group
By Conquest Art on 3rd July 2017
Would you like to be part of our new Cobham art team? A good team is made up of a variety of different people from someone who has some art experience bringing good ideas to someone who makes a good cup of tea. ... Read more »
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